Tuesday, March 6, 2012

A Pie Night!

 Tonight Jameson and I made a new recipe I found online called Spaghetti Pie for dinner. Anthony loved it and devoured two huge pieces! He's even taking the left-overs to work tomorrow for himself and his co-workers. Landon went to town on it too!

 Funny thing was, the two cooks weren't as crazy over it as Daddy & the baby. I think we're used to Ragu and I bought Kroger brand sauce this time. Lol!

 Then I made Cherry Pie for dessert. This wasn't homemade like the main course. I just used the Kroger boxed pie crusts and filling. I actually enjoyed dessert more than dinner even though it was a lot easier and less time consuming to make. Go figure!


  1. They both look really yummy!

  2. Wow Michelle, maybe you need to quit your diaper cake blog and start a food blog!!!!....uummm....never mind, you might show me up! I haven't been cooking lately.

  3. Your spoon rest looks like a real flip flop on your stove. LOL. too cute.

    1. I doubt that...I took step by step pictures but they didn't turn out as good as yours. LOL! I'm trying new dishes this week and excited about it. Sarah bought me that spoon rest a long time ago. :)

  4. If they made flip flop cookware, Michelle would have it! She's our flip flop girl!
