Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Peering in....

J & L feeding our fish! 
~ Fall 2012 ~


  1. Sooo cute! Such a wonderful pic of two little curious boys.

  2. Love this shot. It'll probably wind up in a graduation slideshow ;)

  3. Wow, such a beautiful shot Michelle!!!!!!! Everytime we take the kids fishing at your pond I am freaking out that they will fall in! Nobody has ever fallen in, I don't know why I am always so nervous.

    1. I can totally understand why! There's no rail so it would be so easy! Mom's dog, Sofie actually fell off of it one time into the pond! (Lol...Poor thing...but she was rescued quickly.) We normally don't let them lean over the edge (or even sit on the edge) alone but it was a photo op that lasted a few seconds. Ha!
