Friday, August 31, 2012

It's that time of year again!

YES, I have a ridiculous amount of clothes.

YES, I only have two kids.

YES, I have a lot of ironing to do.

Y E S, I'm excited about another Kentucky Kids Consignment Sale!!!

My SUPER awesome husband took one of his vacation weeks during the sale! It's also the week of our wedding anniversary and I can't wait to get away for a date together! We're thinking maybe Louisville and the NQC. As always, I'm excited about working, selling and SHOPPING another KKCS!

Happy tagging, ya'll!



  1. How do you have time to blogggggg?????? Just LOOK at that PILE!!!

    1. LOL..... I HAVE to keep my followers informed, ya know! And there's always the wee hours of the mornings to enter and iron clothes! HAHA ;)

  2. Igg....that's how I feel this year about getting my stuff together. IGGG!

    1. Just keep that check in mind!!! IGGG is how I feel about all the ironing I have to do....I feel led for us to come wrinkled to Church tonight! Ha!

    2. Come to church wrinkled? I love it! Wrinkled should be the new norm!!

  3. This is precisely why I don't do the sale. I get super stressed, and just looking at your piles stressed me out for weeks to come!!!! LOL!

    1. Lol.....yea it's a lot of work but worth that FAT check! :) Last year, we used my sale check to go on our Fall vacation. This time, I'm thinking Christmas gifts OR an iPad!!! (ha! We'll see about that one!)

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. This is my 1st year participating. I started entering in items the last week of July & I have almost the maximum allowed (w/ just 2 little girls - how embarressing).
    As for ironing --- everything is hanging & I will just spray each item with a water bottle smoothing out the wrinkles. I figured it'll take less time then ironing all those tiny outfits!

    1. I hope you do well! I am thinking about cutting back on my ironing next time!
