Monday, October 22, 2012

Family Pictures by "Pop's Potos"

So, last week I picked out all of our outfits for Dad to take pictures of us in after Church (even though I knew the forecast for outdoor pictures wasn't good.) I was wearing a favorite black and white dress of mine, Anthony was wearing a brand new black plaid shirt, and the boys had black plaid western shirts, jeans and boots on. However, the weather really didn't care about all of that! Just as predicted, it was extremely windy and rainy and "non-picturey".... Ha Ha! We got a few snapshots on the porch but that's it.

Yesterday the weather decided to be absolutely perfect and gorgeous. We were all wearing the same color, so I figured, "Why not?" It just took a few minutes for my Dad to get these! (He's pretty awesome like that;)  Thanks, Pop! I love them. =)



  1. OOOOOh I love them Michelle. The last one is my total favorite!!!!!!!

  2. Why didn't you post the pic of our car in the background????? LOL.

    1. Lol! It had the best smiles, that's for sure!!

  3. They are all very cute! Great ideas! The last one is definately my favorite one, too!!!

  4. These are AWESOME family pics!! Love them! :)

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