Last night we traveled to Taylor Mill to see our former Pastor and family where they're holding a revival. We ran into a wreck and traffic that added about 40 minutes to our trip but thank goodness, we weren't late. When we arrived, we discovered that the OBI choir (Ozark Bible Institute's choir called The Overcomers) was also there and they'd be doing the singing for the service. I was excited! I have a cassette that is like 14 years old so it was a treat to hear them in 2012. However, we were hoping Brother Jody would still get to preach! Jameson would say, "I thought Uncle Jody was gonna preach" when the college guys would start testifying in between songs. Sister Tina and I were laughing at him but he was really concerned they'd take over! He preached outstanding (of course!) and conviction was thick in the house. Sister Tina asked me to help her with the altar service music and it was like old times playing and singing with her. The Church invited us downstairs with the Silvers where they had served lasagna, salad and bread for the OBI kids. One of the students from Hodgenville fell in love with Landon and wanted a kiss but he told her, "No" and stood his ground. She said he was very holiness and agreed she wasn't kissing until her wedding day, either. LOL! Jameson, on the other hand, said, "I'll kiss you!" and jumped out of his chair and went right to her. (Perfect example of how different their personalities are! LOL) The Church folk were very hospitable. It was so nice getting to visit with our friends that we miss so much and this, "Good-bye" was easier knowing we'll see them in June!
Here are a couple of videos of OBI singing two of the songs they did last night entitled, "The Cross Still Stands" and "Sending The Fire."