Friday, February 24, 2012

Blessed Birthday!

Today is my birthday but most of the celebrating happened yesterday. The weather was beautiful and I loved watching the boys play outside and enjoy the day. I felt God's sweet presence at the assisted living home service. After the closing, my sweet husband asked all of the elderly people to do him a favor by singing, "Happy Birthday" to the love of his life! I didn't expect that! Then my family and I ate at Moe's where my sweet sister gave me another surprise that made me jump up and down like a little girl. LOL! It was an ice cream cake from Dairy Queen. Why the extreme excitement? Well, long story....I love them and have been wanting one for several years now, even trying once to purchase one for myself through the drive-through but was denied by a rude manager. (I had 2 sleeping little ones in the car and didn't want to wake them up and drag them in.) I had even thought of picking one up to take to the restaurant but was short on time. (Imagine that!) SO, when she and Brad walked in with that cake, I felt like she had read my mind. (Sisters are like that:) Gramma & Lili had a surprise for me too. Lili was especially proud of it. She had helped Gramma make a huge cookie for my birthday. Both desserts were delicious and so were those nachos! We headed over to Wal-Mart afterwards with my birthday money in tow. I bought myself some thing I've been wanting for a while- A wax warmer with 3 boxes of wax cubes. It looks so pretty sitting on my stove and it makes my house smell wonderful. My favorite scent is the "Baked Apple Strudel" :)

Birthday-ness was over, I figured. Wow, what a fun day! :) Then today I opened my eyes to see a sign hanging on the bathroom door frame. There was another on the bathroom mirror. And in the hall, the kitchen, and on the front door! Anthony had printed 5 "Happy Birthday" signs and hung them all through the house so I would see them from the time I woke up until I got into the kitchen. Another sweet surprise! 

I don't expect much....and I sure feel like one blessed girl!

Landon enjoys the gorgeous day!
I love his face. He's making sound effects for his vehicle!

Yay!!! :)
BEST GIFT EVER! BEST GIFT EVER! BEST GIFT EVER! (Some of you may not get this.....)
YUMMY Nachos!
Huge Snickerdoodle Cookie with Yummy Toppings!

The first sign.....

....of several! :)


  1. My girls would love those signs! Lol. Happy birthday!!!!!

  2. Ohhhh, love the signs!!!!!! :) Most of the time my birthday comes and goes and nobody remembers! LOL! So glad it was special. Ice Cream cakes are my favorite! Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!

  3. Aww... Hate that I missed getting to tell you Happy Birthday... Sounds like you had a great day! I don't get on much anymore...Love the signs! Very sweet of your hubby to do that for you! Anyway, Happy (belated) birthday! Hope this year will be the best year you've ever had! Throw in baby girl while you're at it! LOL!

  4. Great post! Love the pics of Landon! Lol! Happy Birthday again!
