As always, we had a wonderful Christmas filled with family, food and festivities. My favorite part of the season is giving. I love shopping for loved ones and watching their reactions as they open their gifts. Mom got an unexpected cashmere sweater, Anthony got a new suit and dress shoes, Shelly got a Shutterfly book of Pam that brought both of us to tears, and our boys got way more toys than they need (which are keeping them quite busy today)! I made a huge Christmas dinner of ham, broccoli casserole, homemade mac & cheese, potato salad, baked beans, and rolls which was shared with neighbors who loved and appreciated it. Jameson's reaction to opening his #1 most wanted present (a "Big Buzz") was priceless. His excitement spilled over on us and his genuine and voluntary, "Thanks, Mom and Dad!" meant the world to me and Anthony. Landon literally played the life out of his little Elmo drum set and drove us crazy in the process. I have to admit, I feel a little guilty at the amount of toys my children have when many children get nothing for Christmas. A small gift like a hot wheels car would be the thrill of their lifetime and my kids' room overflows with things they don't really need.
I received a new purple tambourine from Anthony this year. I've used my red one for over 20 years so I'd say it was time for a replacement. I remember Mom & Dad taking me to pick it out when I was about 6 years old. I won't ever get rid of it, but I'm looking forward to playing the new one at Church while not worrying about rusted cymbals flying off and hitting a pew neighbor in the head though! (This never happened, it was only a silly fear. Rhythm Tech comes highly recommended here. No injuries and it still made a joyful noise at 22 years old. The "joyful" part may be debatable though.) Mom and Dad gave me a stainless steel cookware set than I am in love with already. I wore out the $20 set we received as a wedding gift 8 years ago and was thrilled to see those old pots replaced with shiny new ones! We were given several restaurant gift cards and we don't waste much time using them.
I am such a blessed girl! When I see our "table scraps" I think of the hungry people who would consider them a feast. When I complain about cleaning up after my guys, my heart is pricked and I remember how blessed I am to have those 3 guys and this wonderful, warm home to keep.
Landon and I are happy to be on the mend from our recent sinus infections. Mine started out feeling like the flu about a week and a half ago. My body ached, I was weak, and my head and face hurt badly. My sweet little boy told me to wait until Daddy got home because they would both pray for me. He heard me crying in the living room and left his lasagna supper to come get the job done, with or without Dad, who hadn't arrived home from work. It touched my heart when he laid his hands on my shoulders and prayed for me to feel better. After 5 days of antibiotics, I'm feeling like myself again. When my kids are sick, I realize how blessed we are to have healthy ones. When I'm feeling bad, it makes me thankful for health and strength to be a Mom and wife.
The best gift I have ever received is one that we should share all year round: JESUS!
Christmas pictures will follow this post shortly! (Every one's definition of "shortly" differs but it will be soon! ;)
Blessings in 2012,
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