I know, I know. "Why have a blog if you're not going to keep up with it?!" No excuses here but you'll just have to take what you get from me. ; ) Now to catch you up to date on the Young'ns! We went to good ole' Pigeon Forge, TN last month for our first family vacation as four. We had a wonderful time. We stayed in a very nice cabin duplex. Because of the deal we found, (thanks to our friends Kenny & Angela telling us about VRBO.com) we were able to stay for 4 nights. The boys loved it all. We went to the Dixie Stampede, The Comedy Barn and Titanic museum during our visit. (Along with the usual shopping, walking of the strip in Gatlinburg and eating out - one of my favorite parts of vacation is the FOOD:) Our friends (the same ones who helped us find that sweet deal on our cabin:) were there during our stay so it was fun getting to hang out with them.
The boys have had encountered some Fall sickness but nothing major. Landon has had it the roughest. He had an ear infection that went into a bad cold that got worse. Then he caught a stomach virus that he shared with his brother and Daddy. Mommy has gotten by pretty good during all of the laundry and cleaning, thank God! I think He knows that one person needs to be well in the home to take care of the others. ; )
We put up our Christmas tree a little early this year and we're loving it. It's kind of weird having Fall and Christmas decor up at the same time, but it'll only be for a couple of days so no biggie. It'll be nice to relax the entire weekend and not have to worry about getting it done. I'm looking forward to Christmas this year. Jameson is beyond excited. Landon will be able to do so much more this year. Last year, he wasn't even crawling. My, how a year changes things! It's crazy that Jameson will soon turn 4 and be a "Pre-schooler." I wish these boys would slow it down and stop growing so fast!
While I'm looking forward to the holidays, the other part of my heart aches to see two precious women that miss so very much. It seems I miss Mamaw & Pam more as time goes on. It's hard to think about another Christmas without them. My heart goes out to Shelly. Last year's Christmas felt empty and it will never be the same without my sweet Mom-in-law.
I better stop before the tears get worse. Happy Thanksgiving to every one!
Let's take time to be thankful. Try living the moto, 'Too blessed to be stressed!'
Here are some pictures from our vacation and an extra one at the end.
The Three Bears General Store
I loved that place! The sidewalk sale was awesome.
Landon at Bennett's BBQ
Why hadn't we been there before? YUM YUM!
Anthony & I at the Dixie Stampede
The 4 of us at The Comedy Barn
Me & my boys at the Titanic Museum
I found it really interesting, especially the boarding passes we received with real passenger names/info on them. Anthony was Percy Keen. I was Emma Bliss. Both crew, both survived. Coincidentally, the boys were young brothers- John and Philip Kiernan. Third class passengers, both died. :(
Captain Jameson
Horses at Cade's Cove
Beautiful Fall scenery
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas! Now to finish shopping and get to wrapping!
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