My Mother-in-law went to be with the Lord last August and it still doesn't seem real to me. The day before Mother's Day, I began to feel her absence stronger. I cried thinking of the holiday without her. I'm used to shopping for her card and gift, helping Jameson make things for her, then greeting her at Church with a Mother's Day hug. None of that would happen this year. Anthony and I missed her a lot, and our hearts ached for my sister-in-law, Shelly, who was closer to her than any one. Then Mother's Day morning, some thing amazing happened. The Lord brought comfort and peace to us in such a special way. My husband is not a dreamer. Unlike me, he's a deep sleeper who rarely visits dream land. However, he awoke me Sunday by telling me about a very realistic dream he'd experienced about his Mom. He was in the yard at his old home place talking on his cell phone when he heard her voice call his name twice. He got off of the phone and walked up to the porch where she was standing in a long white garment with a smile on her face. She said, "Come here" and he stepped up on the porch where she gave him a hug and kiss. He told her how much he missed her and after their embrace, she was gone. When Anthony told me his dream, it brought a smile to my face and tears to my eyes. We knew without a doubt it was from God; He got a Mother's Day hug from his Mom! It helped us through the day without her. It especially touched Shelly's heart. He told about it in a testimony at Church during our worship service. Brother Jody asked me to sing after he sat down. The song, "What A Day That Will Be" had been on my heart for a while but after hearing my husband testify about his dream through tears, I couldn't get that first verse out without some of my own. It meant so much to me when God paid a special visit to my husband that morning. He brought sweet comfort we would need for the day. Anthony rarely cries and he mourns to himself. When the tears do come, this wife cannot hold it together. I love him so much and seeing him broken is more than I can handle. But God sees every tear shed inwardly also! I'm so glad the Comforter abides with us! I'll never forget this.
When we had to let Mamaw go, it was very difficult. I miss her so much and my heart aches for Mom, who celebrated her third Mother's Day without "Ma." Losing both of Anthony's parents has made me all the more thankful for my own. Life is so frail. I've learned to love more, laugh more, and cherish more. Some friends of ours played a song at their wedding called, "Love Like There's No Tomorrow" and I often think of those words. If we all loved like there was no tomorrow, how different life would be! Lord, help me cling to my loved ones and make every moment count with my family, friends, husband and little ones! (even when I'm stressed) This was my fourth Mother's Day as a Mommy and they just get sweeter each year. When I became a Mother, I learned what the job of a Mom entails: Heartburn, nausea, backache, contractions, tears, joy, love, contentment, pain, stress, worry, smiles, laughter, pride, work, discipline, consistency, time, prayer......and the list goes on! It made me love my Mom more when I walked through some of the steps she's taken for me! I am so thankful for a prayerful and loving Mother. As my big brother recently stated, she is truly a treasure. I doubt I can express all of the love I have for her, but I can try. If my children love me half as much as I love that lady, I will be a happy Mama!
I hope you all had a blessed Mother's Day!
Enjoy the pictures,
Being a Mom to these two is such an honor!
Hey...all the good stuff is back! Way to go Michelle!