Their songs have blessed my soul many times and several come to mind tonight and minister to me even as I type ....
~ Storms may rage, Winds may blow, Cares of life come against my soul. In troubled times I know just where to stand. There's no safer place to be than in God's hands. In God's hands I'm in good hands. My soul is safe and secure. In God's hands, sweet assurance. It's good to know I'm in good hands! ~
~ He knows, He cares, Where you are He's right there. He sees your heart, all your hidden broken parts. He will take you in His arms, He will heal your wounds and scars. He knows right where you are! ~
~ I'm gonna keep on trusting in the Lord. When it seems there's no way out He always opens up a door. When I've done all that I can, He gives me the strength to stand. That's why I'm gonna keep on trusting in the Lord! ~
The flowers & card the Silvers brought to our home after
I had surgery to remove my wisdom teeth in Spring 2006.
Easter 2006
Brother Jody has had such a strong spiritual influence on Anthony.
He's been a wonderful mentor, friend and role model to him and he will miss him greatly.
Shelly's baptism
Sarah's baptism
Andy's baptism
Fall 2008
Winter 2008
Summer 2009
Shadeville Campmeeting
Landon's birth ~ Spring 2010 ~
Landon's dedication
It's hard to imagine any one else dedicating our next baby/babies. Brother Jody
dedicated both of our boys, although my camera batteries died on Jameson's dedication day.
The last Pastor Appreciation Dinner for them ~ October 2010 ~
Tina & Angela hard at work....
Sister Tina's last Cookie Swap ~ December 2010 ~
Our last trip with the Silvers was to
Brother Rusty Johnson's Campmeeting, February 2011
Brother Jody & Sister Tina collecting sea shells on the beach in AL ~ February 2011
Jameson with his buddy! 5-29-11
Our last Sunday with the Silvers