I can't believe he's already five. A school-ager who will soon be reading, writing and losing teeth!!! Where has the time gone??? I've been looking through old pictures from the day he was born and those precious memories wash over me. They also make me want to hold a chunky newborn. Any body got one handy? LOL! He was 9 pounds and 4 ounces, had a head full of black hair, the cutest little dimples and the biggest appetite. He was such a content and happy baby. He's grown into an amazing little man with a big heart. I can honestly say, as weird as it sounds, he's my friend. If I'm bothered about some thing or a little bit down, it's hard for me to hide it from him. He picks up on it right away and some times prays for me on the spot! He is a sweetheart. He has one BIG imagination and is just hilarious at times. If he went to public school, he'd be the class clown- I'm sure of it! He loves to to make people laugh. He's very outgoing and has sang with me in Church a couple of times, which he is loving. I want to instill a love for glorifying God through music in him. I can't wait for the day to come when he sings from his heart to his Savior and he KNOWS the Jesus that he's singing about! Speaking of that, we believe the Lord has started to knock on his heart. He's gotten quiet and teary and told me several times that he wants to be saved. I can't tell you how thankful I am for that!!! Please help us pray that God will save him at a young age. That is our desire for our children.
We had a little party with family at Fazolis and Blazers on Saturday to celebrate. Every one had a great time and the birthday boy wants to go back. I'll try to post pictures soon, with Christmas pictures to follow in backward order. LOL. I'm not too great at this blogging thing these days.
Here are some older pictures!