One week ago today was Uncle Scott's transplant. We are praising God for how well every thing went! He kept His hand on Dad and Scott during their surgeries and is helping them during their recoveries also. I'm happy to say they are both resting at home and doing well! Dad was in surgery for five and a half hours and in recovery for four. It was a scary time and I didn't even think I was going to get to see him afterwards. My flight home was scheduled for 8:10 but I was advised to arrive at the airport by 6:45. I was a little upset about not getting to see Dad before I left but God worked it out so I could. I just love how He does things like that! He knows the desires of our hearts before we can even whisper a prayer about them! Then He comes through at the last minute, surprising us with a reminder of how much He cares. Aunt Angie was giving me a ride to the airport so we were getting ready to board the elevator to head back up for me to say "Good-bye" to Mom. We were seeing other patients heading to their rooms and were actually talking about how amazing it would be to see Dad. Just as we were about to get on the elevator, here came the man of the hour around the corner of the hall toward us! It seemed too good to be true but when I saw that it really was my Dad, the tears came! The guy transporting him said, "Some thing told me I needed to come this way!" I was SO relieved to see him and know he was okay before I left.
I can't tell you how much he inspires me. The Bible says that there is no greater love than a man laying down his life for a friend. My Dad demonstrated that kind of love toward his brother on September 4th. He underwent a potential life threatening ordeal to give the gift of life (a kidney) to Scott. He went through more physically this past week than he has ever been through and we count him as a hero! Dad, I want you to know how much your selfless act has touched me! I hope to be that kind of person some day.
God answered countless prayers and we'll never be able to thank Him enough for being our present help in time of need! Uncle Scott's kidney started working immediately and I have no doubt that GOD did that! His kidney is functioning better than the doctors expected! He is doing well and recovering at home. They are extremely grateful. God is SO good!
Please continue to pray for both of them! There's been a lot of pain and although it's getting a little better, they still need your prayers while they recover. (especially Scott, who still deals with his diabetes) Dad told him he couldn't have his! He also stated that he's never doing this again. Lol! Scott teased and said that the kidney was a "used" and "hand-me-down" gift. The surgeries didn't take that sarcasm out of either one of them! Ha Ha!
Thank you to every one who prayed, sent cards and showed your love and concern! It means a lot to them.
Until the next post, (which will likely be KKCS related :)