Check out the mischevious look on his face!
Sunday, June 19, 2011
Jameson & Landon's first pet!
This is "Tux", our new kitten we got from the Aubreys this week. He stayed inside for a couple of days and now resides on our porch. Jameson loves him, a little too much I think! : ) Landon was scared of him at first but he's warming up to him now. I'm sure he'll provide a lot of entertainment for the boys this Summer outside! Watch out, Kitty! LOL!
Squeaky Feet!
I wanted to share these pictures I took of Landon, 14 months, sporting his squeaky shoes! (handed down from big brother:) He loves hearing them squeak but apparently not enough to walk solo yet! I love these photos of him with Anthony. I'm thankful for the wonderful Father he is to our boys! The past three and half years have been a blast! : )
Friday, June 17, 2011
Happy Father's Day!
I'm so thankful for this wonderful man of God that I get to call Dad and my kids call Pop!
What a blessing he has been to my life.
I love you, Dad! Thanks for every thing!
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Happy Feet!
I never knew a pair of shoes could make a little boy so happy! Jameson's tennis shoes were looking a little dingy so I decided to go shopping for a new pair. The old pair would be demoted to play shoes. I bought these New Balances at Shoe Show last night and paid a little more than I usually do. They were still under $20 but I guess I'm spoiled by Kentucky Kids Consignment Sale prices. As soon as I tried them on him, he said, "Let's go!" and walked toward the door. He wore them to Wal-Mart after we paid for them and told Daddy about them over my cell phone. Last night and today, he has carried them around in the box and had me put them on him so he can wear them in the house too. They must be really comfortable because he's never done that before.
Gotta go! He's asking me to put them on his feet again.....
Gotta go! He's asking me to put them on his feet again.....
"Ro Ro shoes" (Grover)
Sunday, June 5, 2011
Big Milestone for Landon!
We bought this walker for Landon's first birthday and he's been pushing it around the house for the past couple of weeks. It's so funny to watch him stepping high and proudly steering it like a pro. He's also been cruising around the furniture for about a month. A few hours ago, he took his first step ALONE and Anthony hollered for me. Within the next few minutes, I got him to take SEVEN steps! It was for food, of course....and CANDY at that! Bad Mom, huh? But what can I say? I was so excited and wanted a repeat of what I had missed. I'll admit that my eyes got a little misty watching him...Why do they have to grow up so fast? :( He has five days until he turns 14 months old ......but now I can say he walked at 13! Way to go, Landon! Mama loves her "Sugar Bear" :)
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